How then shall we live?

As a Christian, how should I be living my life? I have to ask myself this question sometimes. In the middle of this crazy, fast paced world that we are living in, I still want my answer to remain the same - my life should be lived for God and for others. This semester I will be studying in Rwanda and Uganda, and doing mission work with Food for the Hungry. These next few months I want to make a drastic change in my life by living not for myself, but for others. Through my studies and my interactions I hope to find a new and better understanding of what it means to be a child of God. I want to leave with no question in my mind that there is so much more to my life than my own happiness. I want to make my Creator proud, by loving his children.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Feeling sick

I didn't sleep last night because my stomach was burning. I thought I was going to throw up but I never did, it was just an intense burning in my stomach. This morning I still wasn't feeling well, so Kate gave me an antacid pill and that helped a little. We are thinking it was probably my Doxycycline (malaria pills) making me feel sick. Now I am nervous to take it again because every day it makes me feel worse.

It was thankfully a little bit cooler outside when we walked to class this morning. I didn't feel as sweaty or as tired. After 3 hours of sleep I found it very difficult to keep my eyes open. The first class dragged on because I couldn't pay attention or stay fully awake. Then our teacher offered to give a few of us a ride back. I was all for not walking down the hill when I was feeling sick so I got in his car. He is the nicest guy. It was scary driving around the rotary with cars flying by. I napped before and after lunch and then we walked back again. We established that it is longer than a mile to get to class. Plus it's up hill.

We had a guest speaker in our literature class. He is a renowned orator in the area. He talked to us about oral literature and told us a story and some proverbs and riddles. He was super interesting and I easily stayed awake during this class. We are going to be doing a project where we go out and listen to people tell us stories and present our findings about oral literature. Should be cool. The Ugandans seemed to get a big kick out of watching me and two of my friends try to cross the street. After getting our ice cream we almost got hit by so many cars and when we were able to cross we ran. I don't really mind being a source of entertainment I guess. :)

Back at the house we had a nice relaxing afternoon. A bunch of us laid in the upstairs lounge and just talked about life. I love getting to know my new friends. I feel like I could be on vacation here and then I realize I have homework to do. I wish I didn't.

I hate how vast the time difference is between here and home. I just wanted to be able to call home and talk and get some sympathy about feeling so sick but I cant. And I think part of what is making me feel sick is stress. the stress of being in another culture, making all new friends, missing my family, missing school, and still getting over a break up is screwing with my head and emotions. All of us here have our moments where we want to break down. Just nice to know that everyone feels this way. I just took my malaria pill and now I am worrying about whether I will sleep tonight or if I will have stomach pains again. Tomorrow we don't have school. Dr. Stockley is visiting us to give us some warnings about health and safety. I hear he is a riot. I will ask him about my stomach.

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