How then shall we live?

As a Christian, how should I be living my life? I have to ask myself this question sometimes. In the middle of this crazy, fast paced world that we are living in, I still want my answer to remain the same - my life should be lived for God and for others. This semester I will be studying in Rwanda and Uganda, and doing mission work with Food for the Hungry. These next few months I want to make a drastic change in my life by living not for myself, but for others. Through my studies and my interactions I hope to find a new and better understanding of what it means to be a child of God. I want to leave with no question in my mind that there is so much more to my life than my own happiness. I want to make my Creator proud, by loving his children.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The weekend blues

Bummer. We got up to go to the orphanage at 10 with the pastor and his family. Finally got a call at 10:30 from Pastor Zane to say that half of his family has malaria so they are going to have to postpone our trip to next week. Oh well. Guess I will have to wait to get my baby holding fix. But there are children here to play with so I will be fine.

Last night I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. I was in a funk and just really missed America. We had a big group hug last night and talked about how we miss being comfortable. This whole semester has been amazing. One new thing after another. Nothing is what we expect it to be. That's been really cool, and I really have loved it. But when things are constantly changing, you can never fully relax and feel comfortable. I think after three months we are all just wanting things to be what we expect them to be. To flip a light switch and have power. To be able to communicate with people outside of our immediate circle of Americans. To know what exactly we are eating and like it, and then other times to have variety in our diet. To feel clean. To not have to tuck mosquito netting tightly around us at night in fear of pesky, malaria carrying mosquitoes.. To not walk into the kitchen this morning to find our cook cutting apart the bloody carcass of an animal and having that smell of blood make me sick. To be able to drink the water! When I get to my house I am sticking my head into the sink and taking a looooooong drink. Can't wait. I can't wait to eat a salad. And wash my face with warm water. And not smell bad. But then I am afraid that when I get home, it is not going to be comfortable. It is probably going to make me uncomfortable that everything is so easy, and that there are so many luxuries that some of the people I have met here don't know exist. sigh...

Last night we watched the 2nd Harry Potter. I slept through the last part. Actually, what really happened was that I didn't want to get any nightmares last night, so I covered my eyes with a pillow during the scene in the Forbidden Forest and then woke up when the credits came on at the end. The power went out. We were in the middle of an amazing lightning storm. I have never seen such a cool one. The entire sky would light up so bright that it was like daylight. Watched Big Bang Theory until 1am. I decided to treat myself to some dessert. While watching Big Bang Theory, I ate an entire package of coconut cookies dipped in my secret stash of Nutella. So worth the stomach ache I had when I woke up this morning. I must have slept really hard, because I woke up in the same exact position I fell asleep in.

This morning it was raining and I was hoping the day would stay cool. No luck. The sun is high in the sky, and even though I am just sitting here, AND a fan is blowing on me, I am sweating. I think I will try to write up some of those registration forms today so that I don't have to do them tomorrow. This week I was asked to clean out this desk I have been using and reorganize it. I guess since there wasn't anything to do at the time, somebody thought that would be a good task. Well, now I am worried that when the woman who uses this desk comes back next week she is going to be mad that I was touching her things. I hope not! Maybe she will overlook the breach of personal space when she sees how neat it is and how easy it will be for her to find her things now.

I'm off to have some lunch and watch a movie or more Big Bang Theory.

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