How then shall we live?

As a Christian, how should I be living my life? I have to ask myself this question sometimes. In the middle of this crazy, fast paced world that we are living in, I still want my answer to remain the same - my life should be lived for God and for others. This semester I will be studying in Rwanda and Uganda, and doing mission work with Food for the Hungry. These next few months I want to make a drastic change in my life by living not for myself, but for others. Through my studies and my interactions I hope to find a new and better understanding of what it means to be a child of God. I want to leave with no question in my mind that there is so much more to my life than my own happiness. I want to make my Creator proud, by loving his children.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Day at Garden City (and the Casino!)

Got up this morning for some wonderful pancakes with Nutella and pineapples. We really are spoiled on this trip. So much good food! We played cards for an hour or so and then had a mini dance party in honor of Vestine. We all said goodbye to Vestine, our favorite Rwandan around lunch time.

We were given per-diem money to go out for lunch, so we decided to hit up Garden City. Most of the group wanted to walk all the way there. Me? No thanks. I'll be spending all of next month walking around in the ridiculous heat, plus I can't handle a forty-five minute walk when I am already hungry. Brittney, Tim and I got a private hire taxi to take us. When we pulled up we noticed a big Casino sign. I hadn't noticed it last time we were in Kampala, but then, I'm not very observant. We went to check it out. Outside was a metal detector that we had to walk through. All three of us set it off, but the guard told us to just go on in.. I wondered if it was just because we were Mzungus. It was really nice inside. They were still setting up the card tables so I played one slot machine which was a waste of 50cents. :) We met the rest of the group and went up to the food court to eat. Brittney and I shared some noodles.

We split into two groups. While the others went to shop, Tim, Brittney, Ryan and I went back to the Casino to try our luck at Black Jack. Once again, we all set off the metal detector, but were waved on through. I surveyed the card tables and got a little bit nervous because, while I know how to play, I didn't have the confidence that was exuding off of the people who were already there. The game was also a little bit different. All of the cards were dealt face up. I went to the table that had three middle aged Chinese ladies and asked one if I could sit down next to her. She said "Why Not!?" with a very adorable accent, so I sat down. I bought into the game with 20,000 Ugandan Shillings (about $10), which got me four 5,000UGsh chips. Brittney, Tim and Ryan also bought into the game. It took a few rounds for me to get used to the hand motions and the terminology. Then I started winning, and boy was that a thrill! I made sure that once I had won back the 20,000 in chips that I had started with to put those to the side and just continue playing with my winnings. When we decided to call it quits, I had 55,000 in chips. So I had won 35,000UGsh. I probably would have been better off if I had lost, because then I wouldn't have fallen in love with Black Jack. As I cashed in my chips, I thought about how much my Opa used to love going to the Casino. I imagined him up in Heaven sending me some of his luck, and smiling.

We went down to the Supermarket and I used my winning to buy a flashlight, water bottle, cookies and some other snacks that I need for practicum. Brittney and I hired a ride back to the house. Dinner was tacos - one of my favorites because there is always a large bowl of guacamole. I went with Kate to bring some food over to her friend's house for the Easter cookout tomorrow. Then we gathered in the living room to watch Star Wars (4th episode). Can you believe that the first ever Star Wars movie that I've seen was today, in Africa? Crazy! Not sure yet if I like it as much as the Star Trek movie I saw a few weeks ago.

Now it is time for bed. Easter Sunday is tomorrow. It's sad being away from home on my favorite holiday. Today is my mother's birthday. Wish I could be there for that as well. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!!

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