How then shall we live?

As a Christian, how should I be living my life? I have to ask myself this question sometimes. In the middle of this crazy, fast paced world that we are living in, I still want my answer to remain the same - my life should be lived for God and for others. This semester I will be studying in Rwanda and Uganda, and doing mission work with Food for the Hungry. These next few months I want to make a drastic change in my life by living not for myself, but for others. Through my studies and my interactions I hope to find a new and better understanding of what it means to be a child of God. I want to leave with no question in my mind that there is so much more to my life than my own happiness. I want to make my Creator proud, by loving his children.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So today was one of our longer days with two classes. We packed lunches and went up the hill. Our friend Tim seemed to sprint ahead of the group as we walked up the hill. We decided that we wanted to catch up with him and get in front, but I was the only one competitive enough to actually follow through with jogging to catch up with him. I did it and I beat him to class. Completely not important at all, but just a little anecdote about our morning walk...

Class was decent. Our first professor had a meeting to attend so he ended class at about 10. Our next class was at 1:30, so we had quite a long lunch break. We ate and played President, which is a card game. We all must be competitive people, and the heat definitely doesn't improve our dispositions, because we were all getting pretty cross during our game. Everyone was getting irritated, so we finally decided to stop the game. We sat around and talked for the rest of our break. Literature was decent. We had our discussion of "Death and the King's Horseman". I have never been in an English class where we were reading so many books in such a small amount of time. I was getting groggy and hungry and was having a hard time staying awake.

Back at the house we all relaxed until dinner. At dinner, Rachel suggested that we have a dialogue/debate/discussion later tonight about homosexuality, just as an interesting topic to hear everyone's opinions on. So at 7:30 a bunch of us gathered upstairs to talk about our beliefs in a respectful and safe discussion. It was really interesting and I am glad that we did it. I think it is great that we were all willing to hear each other out and talk about why we feel the way we feel.

Just got off the phone with my friend Rachel from home. :) It was great hearing her voice. Now I am waiting for Emily and Shelby to come home from babysitting so that we can get an outline done for our paper on the uses of the banana tree.

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