How then shall we live?

As a Christian, how should I be living my life? I have to ask myself this question sometimes. In the middle of this crazy, fast paced world that we are living in, I still want my answer to remain the same - my life should be lived for God and for others. This semester I will be studying in Rwanda and Uganda, and doing mission work with Food for the Hungry. These next few months I want to make a drastic change in my life by living not for myself, but for others. Through my studies and my interactions I hope to find a new and better understanding of what it means to be a child of God. I want to leave with no question in my mind that there is so much more to my life than my own happiness. I want to make my Creator proud, by loving his children.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Farewell to Africa

Is this really happening? Is the semester really over? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was counting down the days to come here? Astonishing how time flies. I really don't know how I feel. I am excited to go home, but I don't want to leave. Can't you ever have both?

We spent the day hanging around the house. I did some laundry and packing. We played a fun game of volleyball. Our street looks like a parking lot, it's so crowded! Mr. Zzimwe, who our street is named after, died this week. He is some kind of big shot, important person. The President of Uganda was going to stop by to pay his respects as well. In Uganda, when somebody dies, everyone is expected to pay respects. It is very offensive to not approach the family and say how sorry you are. All day we have been hearing people giving speeches and singing at the funeral. You can barely drive down the street it is so mobbed! But I think it is really nice how supportive people are when there is a death.

I got a call from my cousin Sabrina that she was on her way to come see me. Sabrina lives in Canada and I haven't seen her since we were about ten years old. She came to Uganda two days ago to work here for a month and a half. I waited for her at the gate and it was really awesome to see her again! I showed her around the house and realized that I am actually a little bit embarrassed by how nice it is and how much we were spoiled this semester. She and I got a ride down to where she is working. I met her team, and all of them seemed really nice. We walked up to the youth center they are helping at and I wish I had found this place earlier! It was a nice park and there was a public swimming pool! It was really cool to talk with people that had just arrived and were full of excitement and enthusiasm. I was a little shocked when I saw how most of the girls were dressing. They hadn't been told that they should cover their knees, so most of the girls were in super short shorts. After a semester of stressing over showing too much skin, it's almost ingrained in my mind to cover my knees. I politely mentioned it, and later gave Sabrina some of my capris that I am leaving behind. One of the Ugandans that she is staying with walked us back up the hill (she's really close by!). I took them to Ciao-Ciaos so that they could understand my obsession. I gave her a bag of clothes and filled up her water bottle (the mother in me was worried). It was a little sad saying goodbye, because i would have loved to keep hanging out, but i am sure when she gets back we will get our families together and talk about Africa!

There wasn't taco meat left so I had a guacamole burrito for dinner. We went to Ciao-Ciao again for our last time. UGH! I don't want to leave Africa! I love this place.

Our schedule:
Leave tomorrow at 5am.
Fly to London, 23 hr layover
Fly to Phoenix, AZ and get there 5pm Thursday
11:50 flight to GA with Susan, Puvii, Rachel and Nathan
Fly to Boston, MA and get there at 11:15 Friday morning.
Can I just put myself on autopilot and sleep through all this traveling?

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